Tara Massage Perth

What is a Remedial Massage?

What is a Remedial Massage? - Tara Massage

Soothe your pain and discomfort with Perth’s best remedial massages!

You may have heard of deep tissue massage as the best kind of massage for restorative realignment of the whole body, but have you heard of remedial massage? This kind of therapeutic massage is recommended if you have a specific ailment and is based upon a deep understanding of human anatomy. This kind of massage treats muscles that are damaged, knotted, tense, or immobile and the pressure applied can either be strong and deep or gentle and shallow, depending on the issue at hand. 

Your massage therapist will get to the bottom of what hurts and why, and then locates, treats, and relieves musculoskeletal ailments to speed up the body’s natural healing process. Trigger point therapy is often used during remedial massage as it works to release painful tension in muscles and fascia.

When a trigger point is very sensitive it can cause pain without even being pressed on so the musculoskeletal massage we offer has a number of benefits as this sensitivity can be a major cause of muscular pain that most people suffer from. This method of trigger point therapy involves stretching, re-aligning, releasing and stabilising muscles results in the stimulation of blood supply, increased joint mobility and overall tissue damage repair in the affected area. 

Therapeutic remedial massages can be used to help those with: 

What other issues is remedial massage good for?

Other health problems that are treated with remedial massage include sporting and dance injuries, muscle cramps, whiplash, fibromyalgia, muscular atrophy, fibrositis, spondylitis, and frozen shoulder. 

It can also be helpful for conditions such as RSI, sciatica and persistent tension headaches as it improves the circulation and reduces stress in your life that can sometimes build up mentally and cause psychosomatic effects. Athletes often favour remedial massages to give them a performance boost and help to recover quickly. With regular sessions, those suffering from chronic pain too can get relief as the root cause is targeted. This kind of massage addresses both chronic as well as acute issues you may be suffering from.

Tara Massage are dedicated to creating a great customer experience by conducting a short consultation with you prior to your therapeutic massage in order to identify any areas of pain and discomfort. We also offer tea to our clients to begin the relaxation process, as well as giving the option to mix and match massage styles to create the perfect massage experience for you. 

Our Northbridge based massage studio in Perth also offers a loyalty program that rewards clients with 20% off after their fifth visit, and a free 30 minutes of massage after their tenth visit! If you would like to find out more about our remedial massages, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (08) 9328 9652. Feel free to book in through our website or give us a ring to book in for your remedial massage in Perth.

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